Docete Omnes Foundation

Docete Omnes Foundation (Granada, Spain) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization. It is an educational and public interest institution by virtue of a Ministerial Order. The Foundation is a social complex working in two branches, one vocational training, and an educational centre. Since 1968, we are an active centre in the development of innovative policies, training teachers, developing research projects, etc… In those more than forty years of experience, we have had teachers of all levels in our classrooms to be trained and formed. This experience is the support of the project. Nowadays, the foundation is a large organisation of one hundred and eighty workers, among them, at least thirty teachers and experts of high level of experience whose opinion will be relevant for the program we present.

Its branches extend in different directions. Among the activities that take place within the Foundation are:

Blanca Paloma Training Centre

It has had thousands of students with various skills trained within its classrooms, both in regulated training: occupational training and continuing education. Nowadays, we make a great effort to adapt our training expertise demanded by the world of employment, in order to provide our students with the key to their employability. Complejo Social Padre Villoslada. At present includes: An occupational centre, founded in 1982 to serve people with mental retardation, which now also includes people with mental illness and others in the risk of social exclusion. The occupational centre group a number of workshops for the development of life skill and employment, and each adapted to various demands of different learning needs.

Old people homes

Many elderly people are cared for by our professionals.

European Programs Department

Since 2008 our centre is as well working on several European Projects within the Long life Learning Programmes. In those almost forty years of experience, this foundation has coordinated and participated in various different investigation projects about different areas related to education, such as research about key skills, teachers formation, counselling to employability from our formation centre, and many others European projects.


frascoDocete Omnes Foundation