Our projects and activities aim at preventing unemployment by improving the employability of young people, women and workers at risk of expulsion from the labor market; the promotion of entrepreneurship, the promotion of international mobility of students and workers, the prevention and fight against racism and prejudices, the support of the environmental care.
Our main activities
International projects
Focused on issues as vocational training, career counselling, employment, youth, migrants, women, granted by different European Programs. In the last years, we focused on Entrepreneurship Education and assistance to start-ups through the support of mentors.
Career management
Eurocultura provides client-designed career advice and guidance to people seeking an experience abroad to implement their professional and personal skills in an international environment. We advise on active job and traineeship search strategies, vacancies, how to write an application, communication techniques for interviews, intercultural issues. Labor law legislation, working conditions, health, education and social system are also topics we deal with during our guidance process. Career advice and guidance is offered to individuals in our office but also through Skype in Italian and German.
In cooperation with academic institutions, high schools and vocational training centers, youth information centers, no-profit organizations, social partners and public employment offices we provide lectures and seminars in the frame of a “Mobility day” or a “Week of International mobility”.
Our “train the trainer” – seminars are for career services officers, aimed to improve professional knowledge and competences in career guidance with an international perspective.
Mobility projects in Italy
In the frame of Leonardo Mobility, Erasmus Placement and European Social Fund Eurocultura hosts around 200 trainees per year for periods from 3 weeks up to 6 months. After an initial Italian language course with language and intercultural training the trainees are placed according their professional competence in local companies.
Eurocultura is involved in research activities on issues as VET, migrants, racism and xenophobia, equal opportunities, labor market trends etc. Topics of recent researches are: quality management in transnational training activities, informal language learning, biographical work for immigrants, competence analyze of disadvantaged persons, entrepreneurship education activities.
Periodical publications
Eurocultura publishes a monthly e-magazine ORA DI MUOVERSI and the newsletters Muoversi and inGermania (36.000 subscribers).
During almost 20 years of activity, Eurocultura became part of different networks at local, national and international level. At local and national level we co-operate with institutions (municipalities, labor offices, health departments), universities, vocational training centers, trade unions, chambers of commerce, employer organizations and NGOs. At international level, we are part of a vast network of organizations dealing with the European dimension in training, education, social issues and culture.
Eurocultura employs 8 multillingual trainers with educational backgrounds from political science, adult education to cultural mediation, psychology and communication.