Founded in 1994 the karriere club is an independent service centre which acts as a trusted advisor to its clients providing a full range of career management, development, and training programmes. Our team consists of different highly-qualified specialists – economists, educationalists, psychologists, psychotherapists, specialists in data processing and linguists.
Our main activities are:
- career guidance
- trainings and workshops / curricula
- personnel consultation
- personnel and organisational development
- fund consultation
- test development
- project management
- research and development
- international projects
International Projects
In our international projects we work in different programmes (LLL, Progress, EuropeAid, EIF, ESF, ..) as a promoter or as a partner. We develop psychological diagnostics, create curricula and execute trainings in different fields (psychological, economical, educational, linguistical, … area) and we arrange the complete organisation for foreign groups.
Our international activities:
Pilot-, Development- and Transfer Projects
- Searched and Found which provides a diagnostic test to assess the aptitude of the young people who are applying for training. This will then be developed to accommodate the requirement of countries that are interested in using the test. Other support mechanisms will be developed to serve as an interface between the potential trainee and the prospective employer. The main aim of the project is to provide a more effective service that will enable the young person to find the right training place with the right employer and vice versa. Our partner countries are Austria, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, and United Kingdom.
- Project SEAD (Self Experience And Disability), is a blended learning and more particular a training course which intends to increase the ability of the empathy using self experience based on the psychological aspect of informal leaning. SEAD is also a working tool for the people who work or want to work with disabled people, in many different areas like diving, dance/music, textile work etc. Our partner countries are: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain and Sweden.
- Project TRAVORS (Training for Vocational Rehabilitation Services) – The project transfers innovative training and train-the trainer courses in employment-finding and employment support skills for personal employment advisors. The transferred training empowers staff in public and NGO services to co-operate across service boundaries in supporting disabled people into work. It provides job-matching and client support skills that can be used alongside the medically-based welfare systems. It respects the limited resources at their disposal.
Youth Projects
- We worked in the areas of environment, soil, forest, water, alternative energies and environmental protection. We support and guide the beneficiaries during their project time, do the monitoring, select and prepare the beneficiaries, organise the trip and inform the teachers.
Mobility Projects
- We act as a host and sending organization for persons or/and groups from different European countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey…). Through this programme, persons with different qualifications (in the area of Economics, Environment, Law, Social and Technical work) gather experience in foreign countries, which are financially supported by European Union. We organise the work placements, the professional visits, the cultural and linguistic programmes, the accommodation and other practical issues. We support the organisation, the companies and the individuals concerning the integration into the labour market. In some projects we additional offer trainings for preparation for the workplace and/or cultural integration, psychological advising and coaching.
Partnership Projects
- Within the programme Grundtvig we are integrated in learning partnerships in the area of intercultural dialogue, European citizenship, high risk groups, cultural diversity, integration in social life, integration in the working life and creation of an online consultancy service, creation of a European Vocational Journal, creation of a platform for learners, schools, vocational education and training (VET) colleges, VET and employment service providers, careers counsellors and employers.
- Within the programme Leonardo da Vinci we create a course for psychologist to support them with a variety of practical methods in the work with different kind of people.